
Game of Life program, help needed with user input

本文关键字:用户 输入 帮助 游戏 程序 生活      更新时间:2023-10-16

我有一个基本的"生命游戏"程序C++我需要更改以接受用户输入的网格大小和有多少邻居将使细胞存活或死亡的参数。目前,我专注于网格大小的用户输入,但是我在maxrow和maxcol变量的"未声明标识符"方面遇到了问题。这是代码,底部是我为接受用户输入而创建的函数。该程序按原样工作,但是当我尝试实现用户输入函数时,它会给我所有这些错误。我知道我必须删除头文件中的常量整数,但我认为我的错误来自某些不理解 maxrow 和 maxcol 是什么的函数,例如"指令"函数。我怎样才能在整个程序中识别变量的方式实现它?感谢您的任何帮助。


#ifndef LIFE_H
#define LIFE_H
const int maxrow = 20, maxcol = 60; 
class Life
    void initialize();
    void print();
    void update();
    int getNeighbor_count(int, int);
    void instructions();
    bool user_says_yes();
    int grid[maxrow+2][maxcol+2];   // allows for two extra rows and columns
    int neighbor_count(int row, int col);


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream> 
#include "life.h"
using namespace std;



int Life::neighbor_count(int row, int col)
/* Pre: The Life object contains a configuration, and the coordinates row and col define a cell inside its hedge.
Returns: The number of living neighbors of the specified */
    int i, j;
    int count = 0;
    for(i = row-1; i <= row+1; i++)
      for(j = col-1; j <= col+1; j++)
       count += grid[i][j]; // Increase if neighbor is alive.
    count -= grid[row][col]; // Reduce count, cell is not its own neighbor.
    return count;
void Life::update( )
/*Pre: The Life object contains a configuration.
  Post: The Life object contains the next generation of configuration.*/
   int row, col;
   int new_grid[maxrow + 2][maxcol + 2];
   for(row = 1; row <= maxrow; row++)
      for(col = 1; col <= maxcol; col++)
         switch (neighbor_count(row, col)) {
           case 2: // Status stays the same.
             new_grid[row][col] = grid[row][col];             
           case 3: // Cell is now alive.
             new_grid[row][col] = 1;
           default: // Cell is now dead
             new_grid[row][col] = 0;
  // Copy new configuration back to original 
  for(row = 1; row <= maxrow; row++)
      for(col = 1; col <= maxcol; col++)
          grid[row][col] = new_grid[row][col];

void Life::initialize( )
/* Pre: None.
   Post: The Life object contains a configuration specified by the user.*/
   int row, col;
   for(row = 0; row <= maxrow+1; row++)
      for(col = 0; col <= maxcol+1; col++)
    grid[row][col] = 0;
   cout <<"List the coordinates for living cells." << endl;
   cout << "Terminate the list with the the special pair -1 -1"<< endl;
   cin >> row >> col;
   while (row != -1 || col != -1) 
      if(row >= 1 && row <= maxrow)
         if(col >= 1 && col <= maxcol)
             grid[row][col] = 1;
             cout << "Column " << col << " is out of range." << endl;
             cout << "Row " << row << " is out of range." << endl;
      cin >> row >> col;
void Life::print( )
/*  Pre: The Life object contains a configuration.
    Post: The configuration is written for the user.
   int row, col;
   cout << "nThe current Life configurations is: "<< endl;
   for(row = 1; row <= maxrow; row++) {
      for(col = 1; col <= maxcol; col++)
         if(grid[row][col] == 1) cout << '*';
         else cout << ' ';
      cout << endl;
   cout << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream> 
#include "life.h"
using namespace std;
void instructions();
bool user_says_yes();
void Life::instructions( )
/* Pre: None.
   Post: Instructions for using the Life program have been printed.*/
   cout << "Welcome to Conway's game of Life." << endl;
   cout << "This game uses a grid of size "
        << maxrow << " by " << maxcol << " in which" << endl;
   cout << "each cell can either be occupied by an organism or not." << endl;
   cout << "The occupied cells change from generation to generation" << endl;
   cout << "according to the number of neighboring cells ";
   cout << "which are alive." << endl;
bool Life::user_says_yes()
   int c;
   bool initial_response = true;
   do { // Loop until an appropriate input is received.
         cout << "Would you like to see the next generation (y,n)? " << flush;
         cout << "Respond with either y or n: " << flush;
      do { // Ignore white space.
         c = cin.get( );
      } while (c == 'n' || c == ' ' || c == 't');
      initial_response = false;
  } while (c != 'y' && c != 'Y' && c != 'n' && c != 'N');
 return (c == 'y' || c == 'Y');
int Life::getNeighbor_count(int row, int col)
    return neighbor_count(row, col);

int main()// driver for neighbor_count( )
/* Pre: None.
   Post: Verifies that the method neighbor_count( )returns the correct values.
   Uses: The class Life and its method initialize( ).
    Life configuration;
   for(int row = 1; row <= maxrow; row++){
      for(int col = 1; col <= maxrow; col++)
         cout << configuration.getNeighbor_count(row,col) << " ";
         cout << endl;


void getGridParameters(int& maxrow, int& maxcol)
    cout << "Enter number of rows for the grid: ";
    cin >> maxrow;
    cout << "Enter number of columns for the grid ";
    cin >> maxcol;

使任何其他函数看到的变量的旧方法是将它们声明为global变量,这很糟糕。 对于instruction函数understand maxrow和maxcol,您可以将这些值传递给该功能,如下所示

void instructions(int maxrow, int maxcol );


void instructions(int &maxrow, int& maxcol );


问题是你的网格被声明为 int grid[maxrow+2][maxcol+2]; ,这需要 maxrowmaxcol 是常量。

C++具有运行时大小数组的类型,std::vector< > .由于您有一个 2D 网格,因此您需要一个矢量向量:std::vector<std::vector<int>> .使用grid保持不变:grid[i][j]仍然有效。但是您必须设置初始大小:

void Life::setupGrid()
  // I've got maxrow rows, and each row has maxcol columns.
  grid.resize(maxrow, std::vector<int>(maxcol));

现在,maxrow和maxcol不再需要保持不变。作为一项好处,您现在可以说for (auto& row : grid) { for (auto& cell: row) { /** stuff **/ } }对每个单元格执行某些操作。

maxrowmaxcol const,它们在头文件中声明。正如您所说,归结为它们作为编译二进制文件中的变量消失。

要使它们成为变量,您应该将它们声明为 Life 类的成员变量:

class Life {
    int maxcol, maxrows;


int **grid = new int*[maxrows];
for (int i = 0; i < maxrows; ++i)
  grid[i] = new int[maxcols];

这将要求您在析构函数中释放内存Life。另一种解决方案是拥有一个单维数组,例如int **grid = new int[maxrows*maxcols]以简化分配,但它需要更改索引功能。

关于如何存储它们,由于它们将成为 Life 类的一部分,因此您可以直接将输入值保存在其中:

void Life::getNeighbor_count() {
  cin >> maxrows;
  cin >> maxcols;