有没有办法使用 strcpy 将字符串数组复制到另一个字符串或其他数组中?

Is there a way to use strcpy to copy a string array into another string or different array?

本文关键字:数组 字符串 另一个 其他 复制 strcpy 有没有      更新时间:2023-10-16


我仍然是C++新手,昨天刚刚提交了一份作业,创建了一个包含 7 个选项可供选择的菜单。我能够完成除选项 7 之外的所有必需任务,该选项 7 将一个数组复制到另一个数组并处理新数组。

我知道我的代码在案例 7 中没有显示它,但是有没有人可以让我知道我将如何使用我拥有的当前代码完成任务?它不会再帮助我完成任务了,但我觉得这是我应该能够做的事情。也许我在屏幕前花了太长时间,寻找它只是躲避我的答案......在任何情况下,我将不胜感激我能为我未来的计划获得的任何帮助。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
// Delcarations
string MasterFile[6]; // MasterFile Array
MasterFile[0] = "I want to thank all the C++ students who has helped me this semester. You have inspired me to work harder and to be able to design small C++ programs using a gamming approach.";
string master = MasterFile[0];
string str1 = "my Instructor, Professor Penn";
string str2 = "I want to thank all the C++ students who has helped me this semester. You have inspired me to work harder and to be able to design efficient C++ programs using a gamming approach.";
char masterfile[] = { "I want to thank all the C++ students who has helped me this semester. You have inspired me to work harder and to be able to design small C++ programs using a gamming approach." };
char StudentFile[1] = {masterfile[1]}; // StudentFile Array
char selection;
// Defines the width of the menu
const int menuWidth = 84;
// This is a loop structure for the menu box using ASCII
// This prints the top left corner of the menu box (ASCII)
cout << char(201);
// This prints the top border of the menu box (ASCII)
for (int column = 0; column < menuWidth; ++column) {
cout << char(205);
// This prints the top right corner of the menu box (ASCII)
cout << char(187);
cout << "n";
// array with menu options
string menu[20];
menu[0] = "                                 **************";
menu[1] = "                              ***  MAIN  MENU  ***";
menu[2] = "                                 **************";
menu[3] = "                    Please Choose From The Following Options:";
menu[6] = "  1. Master File Array Statement:";
menu[8] = "  2. Length of Master File Array:";
menu[10] = "  3. Replacing Phrase 'all the C++ students' with 'my Instructor, Professor Penn':";
menu[12] = "  4. Swaping 'small' with 'efficient':";
menu[14] = "  5. Find and Display the Position of 'th': ";
menu[16] = "  6. Erase the Phrase 'using a gaming approach':";
menu[18] = "  7. Copy MasterFile Array to Student Array:";
for (string option : menu)
cout << char(186) // print left border
<< setw(menuWidth) // set next item width
<< left // set next item aligment
<< option // print menu option string with width and aligment
<< char(186) << "n"; // print right border
// This will print the bottom left corner of the menu box (ASCII)
cout << char(200);
// This prints the bottom border of the menu box (ASCII)
for (int column = 0; column < menuWidth; ++column) {
cout << char(205);
// This prints the bottom right corner of the menu box (ASCII)
cout << char(188);
cout << "nn";


cout << "ttt     Enter Your Selection: ", cin >> selection, cout << endl;
switch (selection)
case '1':
cout << "You have chosen to create Masterfile Array:nn";
cout << master; cout << endl;
cout << "nn";
case '2':
cout << "You have chosen to display the length:nn";
cout << "The number of characters in MasterFile Array is: ";
cout << master.length(), cout << endl;
cout << "nn";
case '3':
cout << "You have chosen to replace 'all the C++ students' with 'my Intructor, Professor Penn':nn";
cout << master.replace(16, 20, str1), cout << endl;
cout << "nn";
case '4':
cout << "You have to swap the word 'small' with 'efficient':nn";
cout << master; cout << "nn";
case '5':
cout << "You have chosen to find and display the 'th' position:nn";
cout << "'th' starts in position: ";
cout << master.find("th"); cout << " of the array."; cout << endl;
cout << "nn";
case '6':
cout << "You have chosen to erase the phrase 'using a gaming approach:nn";
cout << master.erase(149) << ".", cout << "nn";
case '7':
cout << "nYou have chosen to copy StudentFile Array into MasterFile Array:nn";
cout << master;

default: cout << "n Invalid selectionnn";
} while ((selection = main()) != 7);
return 0;


如此 StackOverflow 问题的第一个答案中所述,如果您使用的是 C++11,则可以使用std::array将一个数组复制到另一个数组。您完全不必担心使用strcpy

std::array<int,4> A = {1,2};
std::array<int,4> B = A; // This copies array A into array B.



方法 2:使用 strcpy

或者,如果您确实想使用strcpy,请使用strcpy_s,因为 strcpy 现在被认为是不安全且过时的功能。你可以这样称呼它:

strcpy_s(FirstThing, SecondThing);

这会将 SecondThing 的内容复制到 FirstThing 中。