C++ 将值传递给 fStream

C++ Pass Values To fStream

本文关键字:fStream 值传 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16


float RR::calculate()
    cout << "Enter the number of processes: ";
    cin >> num_pr;
    vector<RR*> all_processes;
    for (int i=0; i<num_pr; i++)
        cout << "What is the arrival time for process " << i << ": ";
        cin >> arrival_in;
        cout << "What is the burst time for process " << i << ": ";
        cin >> burst_in;
    file (num_pr, arrival_in, burst_in, quantum, avg);
void RR::file(int processes, float arrival, float burst, float quantum, float avg)
    fstream newFile;
    newFile.open ("results.txt",ios::in | ios::out | ios::app);
    for (int i=0; i<processes; i++)
        newFile << "Arrival time for process " << i << ": " << arrival << endl;
        newFile << "Burst time for process " << i << ": " << burst << endl;


class RR
    RR(float burst_set, float arrival_set);
    int num_pr, pos;
    float quantum, avg, burst_sum, time, burst_time, sleep_time, arrival_sum, total_avg, burst_in, arrival_in, calculate(), get_arrival(), get_burst(), get_avg(), get_initial_burst();
    void set_avg(float avg_set);
    void set_burst(float burst_time_set);
    void write_file(int processes, float arrival, float burst, float quantum, float avg);
    float initial_burst, arrival_time, avg_time;


arrivalburst 是类变量,从calculated开始,它们只会更新:它们永远不会存储,如下所示:

float RR::calculate()
    cout << "Enter the number of processes: ";
    cin >> num_pr;
    vector<RR*> all_processes;
    //your loop is correct, but it is only updating the values in `arrival_in` and `burst_in`
    //once this function finishes executing, those variables will be set at the
    //last value that was assigned to them.
    for (int i=0; i<num_pr; i++)
        cout << "What is the arrival time for process " << i << ": ";
        cin >> arrival_in;
        cout << "What is the burst time for process " << i << ": ";
        cin >> burst_in;


file (num_pr, arrival_in, burst_in, quantum, avg);



示例(请注意,这只是一个例子 - 它绝不是您应该使用的,因为您对C++的理解存在其他问题):

float RR::calculate()
    cout << "Enter the number of processes: ";
    cin >> num_pr;
    vector<RR*> all_processes;
    //your loop is correct, but it is only updating the values in `arrival_in` and `burst_in`
    //once this function finishes executing, those variables will be set at the
    //last value that was assigned to them.
    for (int i=0; i<num_pr; i++)
        cout << "What is the arrival time for process " << i << ": ";
        cin >> arrival_in;
        cout << "What is the burst time for process " << i << ": ";
        cin >> burst_in;


class RR
    RR(float burst_set, float arrival_set);
    int num_pr, pos;
    float quantum, avg, burst_sum, time, burst_time, sleep_time, arrival_sum, total_avg, burst_in, arrival_in, calculate(), get_arrival(), get_burst(), get_avg(), get_initial_burst();
    void set_avg(float avg_set);
    void set_burst(float burst_time_set);
    void write_file(int processes, float arrival, float burst, float quantum, float avg);
    float initial_burst, arrival_time, avg_time;
    std::vector<float> all_arrivals;//this should be private
    std::vector<float> all_bursts;//this should be private


void RR::file(int processes, float quantum, float avg)
    fstream newFile;
    newFile.open ("results.txt",ios::in | ios::out | ios::app);
    //since the number of `all_arrivals` and `all_bursts` are the same: i.e. `processes`, you can use `processes` here:
    //alternatively, you can use `all_arrivals.size()` or `all_bursts.size()` in lieu of `processes`
    for (int i=0; i<processes; i++)
        newFile << "Arrival time for process " << i << ": " << all_arrivals[i] << endl;
        newFile << "Burst time for process " << i << ": " << all_bursts[i] << endl;


file (num_pr, quantum, avg);

