类介绍 (c++) 项目希望我们创建两个构造函数,但它们都不需要任何参数 - 我应该在这里做什么?

Intro to classes (c++) project wants us to create two constructors, but neither of them need any parameters - what should i do here?

本文关键字:不需要 任何 参数 我应该 什么 在这里 构造函数 项目 希望 c++ 我们      更新时间:2023-10-16



声明并定义一个名为 Oddometer 的类。该类将有两个私人变量,一个用于行驶里程,另一个用于泵入汽车的加仑汽油。


  • 一个构造函数,它采用两个私有变量的初始值。
  • 将两个值都设置为零的默认构造函数。


为了扩展这个项目的重点,如果需要,我们正在创建一个程序,允许用户连续输入(在菜单屏幕上)行驶的英里数或放入油箱的加仑数。然后,当用户请求时,程序将找到 mpg。很简单。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Odometer{
Odometer(); // sets values to 0
Odometer(WHAT GOES HERE);    // gathers initial values
void get_miles();
void get_gallons();
void add_in_trip_miles();
void add_gas();
double milesDriven;     // represents the miles the car has driven
double gallonsGas;      // represents the number of gallons pumped into car

int main() {
Odometer userInfo; // creates object for the user-inputted values
bool quit = false; // true when user wants to quit
int userChoice;    // for navigating the menu screen
cout << "To view total miles, enter 1. To view total gallons, enter 2.nTo record more miles driven, enter 3. To record gallons pumped into the tank, enter 4.n To view the average MPG, enter 5. To reset the odometer, enter 6.n To quit the program, enter 7." << endl;
cin >> userChoice;
if(userChoice == 1) userInfo.get_miles(); // TODO: switch/case statement instead?
if(userChoice == 2) userInfo.get_gallons();
if(userChoice == 3) userInfo.add_in_trip_miles(); // TODO: "function which increases the miles by the amount sent in its parameter
cout << "Have a nice day!" <<endl;
return 0;

Odometer::Odometer(){   // sets values to 0 (default)
milesDriven = 0;
gallonsGas = 0;
Odometer::Odometer(WHAT GOES HERE?){     // gathers initial values
cout << "Please enter an initial value for miles driven." << endl;
cin >> milesDriven;
cout << "Please enter an initial value for how many gallons were put into the car." << endl;
cin >> gallonsGas;


Odometer(double milesDriven_, double gallonsGas_) :