从对象成员函数内部删除操作的技术 /设计模式

Techniques / design patterns for postponed delete action from inside of object member function?

本文关键字:技术 设计模式 操作 删除 对象 成员 函数 内部      更新时间:2023-10-16

说我会陷入我知道要删除的对象的情况 - 当我执行该对象的成员函数的代码一部分时。换句话说,函数返回后,我希望对象被破坏。是否存在适合这种情况的技术或设计模式?我猜想试图从任何对象内部调用破坏者是不安全的(甚至允许的吗?(



这可以使用具有强参考的"保持"本身的对象实现(C 中的强引用称为shared_ptr,这是smart pointers

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
class LengthyOperation {
    // Just a marker, for debugging, to differentiated between objects, and to indicate
    // a released object if illogical value (or if run under Valgrind / AddressSanitizer)
    int i;
    // Privatise the constructor, so it can't be constructed without the static factory method.
    LengthyOperation(): i(0) {}
    LengthyOperation(int i): i(i) {}
    // The "Holder", a reference to "this".
    weak_ptr<LengthyOperation> holder;
    int getId() {
        return i;
    void executeTheOperation() {
        // Strongify the weak "holder" reference
        // So that no-one would release the object without ending of this function
        shared_ptr<LengthyOperation> strongHolder = holder.lock();

        // Simulate a "lengthy" operation, by pausing this thread for 1 second
        cout << "Operation " << i << " ends" << "n";
        // Remove the reference to "this" in the holder.
        // Now, the "strong" reference which was temporary created (strongHolder)
        // is removed when the scope ends. So that if it is held somewhere
        // else, it will not be released until all other holders release it.
        // Make sure you will NOT need it again here, because the object
        // may be released from memory.
    ~LengthyOperation() {
        cout << "Object with id: " << i << " Will destruct now" << "n";
    static shared_ptr<LengthyOperation> factory(int i = 0) {
        shared_ptr<LengthyOperation> ret = shared_ptr<LengthyOperation>(new LengthyOperation(i));
        // Make the weak pointer "holder", hold a reference to "this"
        ret->holder = ret;
        return ret;
int main() {
    thread thr1([](){
        weak_ptr<LengthyOperation> operation1Weak;
            shared_ptr<LengthyOperation> operation1 = LengthyOperation::factory(3);
            operation1Weak = operation1;
            cout << "Still there is a strong reference: it refers to object with id "
                    << operation1->getId() << "n";
            cout << "Releasing the strong reference" << "n";
        cout << "No strong reference: it is "
                << (operation1Weak.expired() ? "invalid" : "valid") << "n";
    // Wait for a relative long time, to give chance for all threads to end
    // One could use "join" as a better approach.
    // Detach the thread to avoid crashes

    thread thr2([](){
        // Make an operation, an execute it directly without putting any strong reference to
    thread thr3([](){
        // Try to create the object, without executing the operation, to see what
        // weakening the "holder" pointer have done.
        weak_ptr<LengthyOperation> oper = LengthyOperation::factory(1);
        cout << "The weak non-called is " << (oper.expired() ? "expired" : "valid") << "n";
    return 0;






class Class { /* definition */ };
int doOperation(/* arguments */) {
  // code
  // this 'smart pointer' contains an object of type Class
  // you create an object of type Class via dynamic allocation and then it is stored within the ptr object
  // this will hold the memory until the end of the function
  std::unique_ptr<Class> ptr = std::make_unique<Class>(/*arguments to pass to the object*/);
  // use ptr
  // assign a return value to returnValue
  return returnValue;
  // as the function ends, the object ptr is automatically destroyed that in turn will 
  // automatically delete the memory of object Class it held
