
Correct way to pass vector of huge const objects

本文关键字:const 对象 巨大 向量 方法      更新时间:2023-10-16




#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct HugeObject {
    int value = 42;
    // large chuck of data inside
HugeObject operator*(const HugeObject &a, const HugeObject &b) {
    return {a.value * b.value};
HugeObject op2(const HugeObject &a, const HugeObject &b) {
    HugeObject ret_obj;
    // calculate return object based on a and b
    return ret_obj;
HugeObject f(const HugeObject &a, const HugeObject &b, const HugeObject &c) {
    HugeObject ret_obj;
    // calculate return object based on a, b, and c
    return ret_obj;
double do_some_calculation(const vector<HugeObject *> &objects) {
    double ret_val = 0.0;
    // do some calculation on objects
    return ret_val;
int main() {
    vector<HugeObject> a{{33}, {666}, {32}, {22}, {735}, {0}, {-123}};
    vector<HugeObject *> subset_1{&a[0], &a[3], &a[4]};
    vector<HugeObject *> subset_2{&a[2], &a[4]};
    cout << do_some_calculation(subset_1) << endl;
    cout << do_some_calculation(subset_2) << endl;
    cout << do_some_calculation({&a[0], &a[1]}) << endl;
    // I would like also to call do_some_calculation() on list constructed in place, something like this:
    cout << do_some_calculation({a[0], a[1] * a[2], op2(a[0], a[4]), f(a[0], a[1], a[2])}) << endl; // obviously, error
    HugeObject b = a[1] * a[2],
            c = op2(a[0], a[4]),
            d = f(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
    cout << do_some_calculation({&a[0], &b, &c, &d}) << endl; // compiles but looks ugly
    return 0;

在最后一个呼叫中,仅一次使用操作(或功能(构建的对象,因此我不在乎它们 - 但我希望a[0]仍然保持不变。当然,我可以将a[1] * a[2]op2(a[0], a[4])f(a[0], a[1], a[2])中的每个命名为变量(源代码的结尾(,然后在呼叫中使用对它们的引用,但它使代码看起来更丑陋。



template <typename IT>
double do_some_calculation_with_multiplied_elements(IT begin, IT end, IT mult_begin, IT mult_end) {
    double ret_val = 0.0;
    // multiply mult_begin up to mult_end and use the result
    return ret_val;


cout << do_some_calculation({a[0], a[1] * a[2]}) << endl;


cout << do_some_calculation_with_multiplied_elements(a.begin(),a.begin()+1, a.begin()+2, a.end()) << endl;