C++ 无法将字符数组变量分配给字符串变量

C++ Unable to assign Character Array Variable to String Variable

本文关键字:变量 分配 字符串 数组 字符 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16


我正在尝试创建一个矢量结构,其中 char 数组内的字符串内容会自动分配给同一结构中的另一个 STRING 变量。


#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int NAME_SIZE = 25;
struct tableInfo
char name2[NAME_SIZE];
string name = str(name2); // I need name string to equal name2 character variable
string info;
string link;
vector<tableInfo> table(6);
bool compareByWord(const tableInfo &lhs, const tableInfo &rhs);

int main()
cin.getline(table[0].name2, 51);
cin.getline(table[1].name2, 51);
cin.getline(table[2].name2, 51);
cin.getline(table[3].name2, 51);
cin.getline(table[4].name2, 51);

sort(table.begin(), table.end(), compareByWord);
cout << table[0].name << endl;
cout << table[1].name << endl;
cout << table[2].name << endl;
cout << table[3].name << endl;
cout << table[4].name << endl;

bool compareByWord(const tableInfo &lhs, const tableInfo &rhs)
unsigned int length = lhs.name.length();
if (rhs.name.length() < length)
length = rhs.name.length();
int sameLetters = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
if (sameLetters == length)
return false;
if (tolower(lhs.name[i]) == tolower(rhs.name[i]))
return(lhs.name[i] < rhs.name[i]);
return(lhs.name[i] < rhs.name[i]);
return false;


通过强制两个字段包含相同的数据(尽管 25 个字段不够长(,这是有效的:

const int NAME_SIZE = 25;
struct tableInfo
tableInfo(char * whatever); //Make it so
char name2[NAME_SIZE];
string name;
string info;
string link;

tableInfo::tableInfo(char *whatever)
: name(whatever)
strncpy(name2, whatever, NAME_SIZE);  //Now they match - unless whatever was too big
//vector<tableInfo> table(6);//no longer ok with the non-default constructor
bool compareByWord(const tableInfo &lhs, const tableInfo &rhs);
int main()
vector<tableInfo> table;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
char name2[NAME_SIZE];
cin.getline(name2, 51); //Do you really mean 51?
// It's smaller than NAME_SIZE
sort(table.begin(), table.end(), compareByWord);
cout << table[0].name << endl;
cout << table[1].name << endl;
cout << table[2].name << endl;
cout << table[3].name << endl;
cout << table[4].name << endl;


struct tableInfo
char name2[NAME_SIZE];
string name;
string info;
string link;
tableInfo(const char* in_name)
memset(name2, 0, NAME_SIZE);
strncpy(name2, in_name, NAME_SIZE - 1);
name = string(name2);


char tmp[NAME_SIZE];
cin.getline(tmp, 51);
table[0] = tableInfo(tmp);



struct tableName {
char name[NAME_SIZE];
std::string info;
std::string link;
std::string nameString() const { return name; }