
C++: Problems with inheritance and list functions as members of a class

本文关键字:成员 问题 函数 继承 列表 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16



class ModeInformation {

ModeInformation() { m_CreateModes(); m_CreateModeChoiceList(); } // These two functions are always called when an object belonging to the ModeInformation parent class is created, as they store elements in two lists, one in which the pointer-to-Modes themselves are stored, the other where Menu options are stored according to the number of modes
virtual ~ModeInformation() {}
// Modes of a Weapon (virtual as they might be overridden in child classes)
virtual Mode* pMode1() const { return NULL; }
virtual Mode* pMode2() const { return NULL; }
virtual Mode* pMode3() const { return NULL; }
virtual Mode* pMode4() const { return NULL; }
virtual Mode* pMode5() const { return NULL; }
// Lists mentioned earlier 
virtual list<string>* ModeChoiceList() const { return new list<string>; }
virtual list<Mode*>* Modes() const { return new list<Mode*>; };
// m_CreateModes() stores pointers-to-Mode in Modes(), if these are not NULL
void m_CreateModes() {
if (!pMode1() == NULL) { Modes()->push_back(pMode1()); }
if (!pMode2() == NULL) { Modes()->push_back(pMode2()); }
if (!pMode3() == NULL) { Modes()->push_back(pMode3()); }
if (!pMode4() == NULL) { Modes()->push_back(pMode4()); }
if (!pMode5() == NULL) { Modes()->push_back(pMode5()); }
// m_CreateModeChoiceList() stores strings in ModeChoiceList(), composed using the sstring library. Also a source of problems, as I will point out later on.
void m_CreateModeChoiceList() {
int i = 1;
for (list<Mode*>::iterator it = Modes()->begin(); it != Modes()->end(); it++) {
stringstream ChoiceDeclaration;
ChoiceDeclaration << "n" << i << ".- Mode " << i;
ModeChoiceList()->push_back("n0.- Quit to previous menu.");
// m_PrintBasicInfo() is called from classes that possess an object pertaining to the ModeInformation class (or derived child-classes), serves as a decision tree to judge whether the Mode List should be printed (in the case the Weapon being printed possesses more than one Mode), otherwise it will print the very first Mode
void m_PrintBasicInfo() {
if (Modes()->size() > 1) {
else {
// m_PrintModeList() prints each of the elements stored in ModeChoiceList()
void m_PrintModeList() {
list<string>::iterator it = ModeChoiceList()->begin();
while (it != ModeChoiceList()->end()) {
cout << *it << endl;
// m_ChooseModeFromList() provides a dynamic method for a user to choose which Mode's information will be printed
virtual void m_ChooseModeFromList() {
int Input = 0;
cout << "Please input your choice." << endl;
cin >> Input;
cout << endl;
list<Mode*>::iterator it = Modes()->begin();
switch (Input) {
case 1: if (it != Modes()->end()) { (*it)->m_PrintBasicInfo(Input); it++; break; }
else { m_ChooseInvalidModeFromList(); break; }
case 2: if (it != Modes()->end()) { (*it)->m_PrintBasicInfo(Input); it++; break; }
else { m_ChooseInvalidModeFromList(); break; }
case 3: if (it != Modes()->end()) { (*it)->m_PrintBasicInfo(Input); it++; break; }
else { m_ChooseInvalidModeFromList(); break; }
case 4: if (it != Modes()->end()) { (*it)->m_PrintBasicInfo(Input); it++; break; }
else { m_ChooseInvalidModeFromList(); break; }
case 5: if (it != Modes()->end()) { (*it)->m_PrintBasicInfo(Input); it++; break; }
else { m_ChooseInvalidModeFromList(); break; }
case 0: cout << "Returning to previous menu..." << endl; break;
default: m_ChooseInvalidModeFromList(); break;
// m_ChooseInvalidModeFromList() prints an invalid option message, and returns to m_ChooseModeFromList()
void m_ChooseInvalidModeFromList() {
cout << "Invalid option. Please choose a valid mode." << endl;


class RailGunModeInformation : public ModeInformation {
Mode* pMode1() const { return new RailGunMode1(); }
Mode* pMode2() const { return new RailGunMode2(); }
list<string>* ModeChoiceList() const { return new list<string>; }
list<Mode*>* Modes() const { return new list<Mode*>; }



void m_CreateModes() {
if (!pMode1() == NULL) { Modes()->push_back(pMode1()); }
if (!pMode2() == NULL) { Modes()->push_back(pMode2()); }
if (!pMode3() == NULL) { Modes()->push_back(pMode3()); }
if (!pMode4() == NULL) { Modes()->push_back(pMode4()); }
if (!pMode5() == NULL) { Modes()->push_back(pMode5()); }

如注释中所述,Modes(( 每次都返回一个新列表,但在下一个"}"之后无法访问puch_back的结果

我将只使用 C++11 来删除代码中一些更乏味的方面。

using ModeList = list<Mode*>;
ModeList m_CreateModes() {
ModeList modes = Modes();
if (!pMode1() == NULL) { modes->push_back(pMode1()); }
if (!pMode2() == NULL) { modes->push_back(pMode2()); }
if (!pMode3() == NULL) { modes->push_back(pMode3()); }
if (!pMode4() == NULL) { modes->push_back(pMode4()); }
if (!pMode5() == NULL) { modes->push_back(pMode5()); }
return modes;



if (!pMode1() == NULL) { modes->push_back(pMode1()); }

假设 pMode1(( 返回 NULL,然后你得到 NULL 定义为 (0(

if (!NULL == NULL) { Modes()->push_back(pMode1()); }
if (true == 0) { Modes()->push_back(pMode1()); }

如果它返回的内容不是 NULL

if (!0xdeadbeef == NULL) { Modes()->push_back(pMode1()); }
if (false == 0) { Modes()->push_back(pMode1()); }

所以你真正想要的是,用 nullptr 替换 NULL(C++11(

if (!pMode1() == nullptr ) { modes->push_back(pMode1()); }


if (!(pMode1() == nullptr) ) { modes->push_back(pMode1()); }

if (pMode1() != nullptr ) { modes->push_back(pMode1()); }


if (pMode1()) { modes->push_back(pMode1()); }



重复使用相同的代码,只有一个数字不同,告诉我它应该是某种数组,std::array 或 std::vector。

