
How to calculate the digest / Which algorithm will be used?

本文关键字:算法 何计算 计算      更新时间:2023-10-16

我发现了一个从Java JNI调用的C++ API。该libcma.so包含将创建摘要的方法Java_com_smule_android_network_core_NetworkUtils_makeDigest- 我认为它MD5.








POST http://api-sing.smule.com/v2/login/guest?msgId=1776&appVersion=5.7.5&app=sing_google&appVariant=1&digest=179645edb702ce4a57197141522d848145f8861f HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: com.smule.singandroid/5.7.5 (6.0,F3311,de_DE)
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"script": ""
"pulp": 17,
"tzOffset": 3600,
"vorgom": true
"forceNewPlayer": true,
"lookupAccount": true


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.11.5
Date:   Sun, 24 Jun 2018 16:27:31 GMT
Content-Type:   application/json; charset=utf-8
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X-Smule-Host:   a155.sf.smle.co
X-Smule-Digest: 64dc15893bbf43240798c73ae652bfb80e848f57
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"code": 0,
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POST请求中,Query-Argument**摘要is the哈希of the request. These摘要will be created byJava_com_smule_android_network_core_NetworkUtils_makeDigest(i think). I don't know, which data will be used for the哈希算法- I've tried to reproduce the摘要",参数如下:

  • 只有所有Query-Parameters,按字母顺序排序,不包括digest-Argument(这些方法将在JavaScript下在网站上使用'
  • 只有内容正文,在 JSON 字符串中(尝试作为漂亮的印刷和组合(
  • 预期的内容正文查询参数
  • 如上所述



$string  = sprintf('%s=%s', 'secret', 'M=|ZUyMu^-qWb}VL^jJd}Mv)8y%bQWXf>IFBDcJ>%4zg2Ci|telj`dVZ@');
$string .= sprintf('&%s=%s', 'path', '/user/json/login'); // sample url-path
$string .= sprintf('&%s=%s', 'csrf', $this->csrf); // from Website, <meta content="([^"]+)" name="csrf-token" or from Header "x-csrf-token"
$string .= sprintf('&%s', http_build_query($this->data)); // POST-Body
$array = explode('&', $string);
sort($array); // Alphabetical sort
$x_smule_digest = md5(implode('&', $array));

1 .您指示的摘要长度为 40 个字符,包含从09的数字和从af的字母。所以它是 40 个十六进制值。因此,它很可能是使用摘要函数创建的SHA-1


int32_t Java_com_smule_android_network_core_NetworkUtils_makeDigest(int32_t * a1, int32_t a2, int32_t a3)


private static native String makeDigest(String str, byte[] bArr);

第一个参数a1可能是 JNI 环境保留的指针。因此,输入a1输入放在一边,该函数接受两个参数:一个字符串和一个字节数组,并返回一个字符串:摘要。C++代码本身太复杂了,我无法深入研究。

3 .此 JNI 函数在您指定的 Java 文件中使用两次。在函数m18107am18106a.让我们在源代码中添加一些注释:

// Function that takes three arguments :
//      - a list of pairs of string we will call the "json pairs"
//      - a string we will call the "secret"
//      - an other string we will call the "optional token"
// and return the returned string of makeDigest which may be the digest.
public static String m18107a(List<Pair<String, String>> list, String str, String str2)
// Sort the json pairs alphabetically according to the first string of each pairs.
// (Check the source code of C35442 to verify my statement, I may be wrong )
Collections.sort(list, new C35442());
// Create a single string, that concatenate all the json pairs.
// ( I guess { age : 21, name : "bob" } becomes "age21namebob" )
// We will call that the "digest input"
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (Pair pair : list) {
stringBuilder.append((String) pair.first).append((String) pair.second);
// Append the "digest input" just created with the "optional token" if it exists.
if (str2 != null) {
// Send the "secret" string, and the "digest input" as BYTES (may be important)
// Return the digest computed as returned string of the function.
return makeDigest(str, stringBuilder.toString().getBytes());

// Function that takes four arguments :
//      - a string str
//      - a number j
//      - a string str2
//      - a string str3 (can be null, as seen later)
// and return the returned string of makeDigest which may be the digest.
public static String m18106a(String str, long j, String str2, String str3)
// Create a single string, that concatenate j and str2.
// We will call that the "digest input"
StringBuilder append = new StringBuilder().append("").append(j).append(str2);
// If str3 is null, make it empty.
if (str3 == null) {
str3 = "";
// Send the "secret" string, and the "digest input" concatenated with str3, as BYTES (may be important).
// Return the digest computed as returned string of the function.
return makeDigest(str, append.append(str3).toString().getBytes());


  • 这些函数m18107am18106a在哪里调用?您至少可以找到这些输入的内容吗?因此,您可以使用良好的输入。
  • 你能在这些函数周围放置断点吗?跟踪输入和输出并尝试重现?
  • 从所有可疑的输入中,您能找到一种方法来仅修改每个输入一个并检查摘要是否更改吗?消除可疑输入。