
Speed up a long python code that proves to be slow only due to a single block

本文关键字:速度 因为 有一个 一个 代码 python      更新时间:2023-10-16



import numpy as np
enclosing_circles_gas = {}
#info of imaginary spheres where *_data are stored arrays based on some random (otherwise positive integer) ids
for id, position, radius, mass zip(id_data, position_data, radius_data, mass_data):  
if (mass >= low_mass_cutoff):
for i in np.where(HI_fraction > 0):                            # HI_fraction is a 1d array
gas_mass = 0
if (np.linalg.norm(HI_position[i] - position) <= radius):  # HI_position and position: 3d array of particles and single sphere vector
gas_mass += HI_mass[i]*HI_fraction[i]                  # HI_mass and HI_fraction are 1d arrays of particles and their fractions
if (gas_mass/mass >= 1.0e-6):
enclosing_circles_gas[id] = float('{:.4f}'.format(mass))



if (mass >= low_mass_cutoff):
gas_mass = sum( HI_mass[i]*HI_fraction[i] for i in np.where(HI_fraction > 0)[0] if (np.linalg.norm(HI_position[i] - position) <= radius))
if (gas_mass/mass >= 1.0e-6):
enclosing_circles_gas[id] = float('{:.4f}'.format(mass))


import math
def trunc_digits(x, digits):
d = math.log10(abs(x)) - digits
d = int(math.ceil(d))
d = math.pow(10, d)
m = math.fmod(x, d)
x = x - m
return x
x = 9.87654321e-6
print (x, "->", trunc_digits(x, 4))
y = 9.87654321e6
print (y, "->", trunc_digits(y, 4))
a = -1.87654321e-6
print (a, "->", trunc_digits(a, 4))
b = -1.87654321e6
print (b, "->", trunc_digits(b, 4))