在VS 2017中,朋友通过具有私有析构函数的结构的unique_ptr向量进行迭代失败

Iterating through vector of unique_ptr of a struct with private destructor, by a friend, fails in VS 2017

本文关键字:结构 unique ptr 向量 失败 迭代 2017 VS 朋友 析构函数      更新时间:2023-10-16

这可能是一个答案很简单的问题,但我尝试了谷歌结果提供的所有解决方案,但无法在VS 2017中解决这个问题。我有一个带有私有析构函数的结构B。我有另一个结构A,它是结构B的朋友,并试图遍历结构B的唯一指针向量。但我一直收到这个错误:

严重性代码描述项目文件行禁止显示状态错误C2248"ProjectNamespace::NwSpec::~NwSpec":无法访问类"ProjectNamespace::NwSpec"TestProject c:\program files(x86(\microsoft visual studio\2017\community\vc\tools\msvc\14.14.26428\include\memory 2055 中声明的私有成员


struct A
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NwSpec>> List;
bool function()const;
struct NwSpec
char* Path;//Assume Path is initialized and set with a string.
friend struct A;
bool A::function()const 
for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < List.size(); i++)
OutputDebugStringA(List[i]->Path);// Error C2248
// I used iterator to the vector, but getting same error.
// I used for(const auto& k : List) but getting same access error.
// NwSpec is visible to A and within ProjectNamespace


struct NwSpec;
struct A {
struct NwSpecDeleter {
//Note that we're only declaring the function, and not defining it
void operator()(NwSpec * ptr) const;
typedef std::unique_ptr<NwSpec, NwSpecDeleter> ptr_type;
std::vector<ptr_type> List;
bool function()const;
struct NwSpec {
char* Path;//Assume Path is initialized and set with a string.
friend struct A;
NwSpec::~NwSpec() {}
void A::NwSpecDeleter::operator()(NwSpec * ptr) const {
delete ptr;
int main() {
A a;
a.List.emplace_back(new NwSpec());
auto ptr = a.List.back().release();
//This will not compile, as intended
//delete ptr;
//Nor will this:
//But this will compile, because the original unique_ptr is perfectly capable of deleting objects:
a.List.back().reset();//Object is successfully deleted
a.List.erase(a.List.begin(), a.List.end());
a.List.emplace_back(new NwSpec());
//This also compiles
a.List.erase(a.List.begin(), a.List.end());
return 0;
