如何在 C# 中映射双 C 结构指针?

How to map double-C-struct-pointer in C#?

本文关键字:结构 指针 映射      更新时间:2023-10-16


extern int acl_get_entry(acl_t acl, int entry_id, acl_entry_t *entry_p);
extern int acl_get_permset(acl_entry_t entry_d, acl_permset_t *permset_p);


typedef struct __acl_permset_ext *acl_permset_t;
typedef struct __acl_entry_ext  *acl_entry_t;
typedef struct __acl_ext *acl_t;

在/usr/include/acl/libacl.h 和/usr/include/sys/acl.h 中


extern int acl_get_entry(__acl_ext *acl, int entry_id, __acl_entry_ext **entry_p);
extern int acl_get_permset(__acl_ext *entry_d, __acl_permset_ext **permset_p);

现在我对如何将这些映射到 C# 有点不知所措......

// extern int acl_get_entry(acl_t acl, int entry_id, acl_entry_t *entry_p);
[DllImport("acl", CallingConvention = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "acl_get_entry")]
internal static extern int acl_get_entry(__acl_ext* acl, AclEntryConstants entry_id, ref __acl_entry_ext entry_p); // Double pointer, correct ???


// extern int acl_get_permset(acl_entry_t entry_d, acl_permset_t *permset_p);
[DllImport("acl", CallingConvention = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.Cdecl,
EntryPoint = "acl_get_permset")]
internal static extern int acl_get_permset(__acl_entry_ext* entry_d, __acl_permset_ext** permset_p); // double pointer ?

internal static extern int acl_get_permset(__acl_entry_ext* entry_d, ref __acl_permset_ext permset_p); // double pointer ?


我编写了以下 C 代码来检查:

int main()
// Get all the entries
acl_entry_t acl_entry_;
acl_permset_t permission_set;
acl_tag_t acl_kind_tag;
const char* _filename = "/root/Desktop/CppSharp.txt";
acl_t acl_file = acl_get_file(_filename, ACL_TYPE_ACCESS);
int found = acl_get_entry(acl_file, ACL_FIRST_ENTRY, &acl_entry_);

int a = acl_get_permset(acl_entry_, &permission_set);
int b = acl_get_tag_type(acl_entry_, &acl_kind_tag);
printf("a: %d; b: %dn", a, b);
acl_entry new_acl;
new_acl.reading = ACL_GET_PERM(permission_set, ACL_READ);
new_acl.writing = ACL_GET_PERM(permission_set, ACL_WRITE);
new_acl.execution = ACL_GET_PERM(permission_set, ACL_EXECUTE);

return 0;

但是我的 C# 代码执行完全相同的操作(或者我认为是这样),可以int found = 1(就像 C 一样),但随后它为 a 和 b 返回 -1...

static unsafe void ReadACL()
string fileName = "/root/Desktop/CppSharp.txt";

global::acl.__acl_ext* acl_file = NativeMethods.acl_get_file(fileName, global::acl.acl_type_t.ACL_TYPE_ACCESS);

global::acl.__acl_entry_ext acl_entry_ = new global::acl.__acl_entry_ext();
int found = NativeMethods.acl_get_entry(acl_file, global::acl.AclEntryConstants.ACL_FIRST_ENTRY, ref acl_entry_);

global::acl.__acl_permset_ext permission_set;
acl_tag_t acl_kind_tag = acl_tag_t.ACL_UNDEFINED_TAG;

int a = NativeMethods.acl_get_permset(&acl_entry_, &permission_set);
global::acl.acl_tag_t tag_type = acl_tag_t.ACL_UNDEFINED_TAG;
int b = NativeMethods.acl_get_tag_type(&acl_entry_, &tag_type);
System.Console.WriteLine($"{a} {b}");

另外,最奇怪的事情 - 我搜索了以下头文件:



?此外,在手动执行此操作之前,我尝试使用 CppSharp 自动创建绑定,但这些自动生成的绑定具有相同的问题......

mono ./CppSharp.CLI.exe --arch=x64 --output=/home/username/RiderProjects/TestProject/TestProject/AUTOMAPPED/  /usr/include/acl/libacl.h /usr/include/sys/acl.h

还有一件事我注意到: 传递双指针有什么意义? 就像

struct x;
function(ref &x)


struct[] x;
function(ref x)


// #define ACL_UNDEFINED_ID    ((id_t)-1)
// acl_check error codes
public enum acl_check_errors
: int
ACL_MULTI_ERROR = (0x1000), // multiple unique objects
ACL_DUPLICATE_ERROR = (0x2000), // duplicate Id's in entries
ACL_MISS_ERROR = (0x3000), // missing required entry
ACL_ENTRY_ERROR = (0x4000) // wrong entry type 

// 23.2.2 acl_perm_t values
public enum acl_perm_t
: uint
ACL_READ = (0x04),
ACL_WRITE = (0x02),
ACL_EXECUTE = (0x01),
// ACL_ADD = (0x08),
// ACL_DELETE = (0x10),

// 23.2.5 acl_tag_t values
public enum acl_tag_t
: int
ACL_USER_OBJ = (0x01),
ACL_USER = (0x02),
ACL_GROUP_OBJ = (0x04),
ACL_GROUP = (0x08),
ACL_MASK = (0x10),
ACL_OTHER = (0x20)
public enum acl_type_t
: uint
ACL_TYPE_ACCESS = (0x8000),
// 23.2.8 ACL Entry Constants
public enum AclEntryConstants
: int


// https://kernel.googlesource.com/pub/scm/fs/ext2/xfstests-bld/+/301faaf37f99fc30105f261f23d44e2a0632ffc0/acl/libacl/libobj.h
// https://kernel.googlesource.com/pub/scm/fs/ext2/xfstests-bld/+/301faaf37f99fc30105f261f23d44e2a0632ffc0/acl/libacl/libobj.h
// https://kernel.googlesource.com/pub/scm/fs/ext2/xfstests-bld/+/301faaf37f99fc30105f261f23d44e2a0632ffc0/acl/libacl/libacl.h
// https://allstar.jhuapl.edu/repo/p1/amd64/acl/libacl.h
// https://kernel.googlesource.com/pub/scm/fs/ext2/xfstests-bld/+/301faaf37f99fc30105f261f23d44e2a0632ffc0/acl/libacl/libacl.h
// https://kernel.googlesource.com/pub/scm/fs/ext2/xfstests-bld/+/301faaf37f99fc30105f261f23d44e2a0632ffc0/acl/libacl/acl_get_fd.c

public unsafe struct obj_prefix
public ulong p_magic;
public ulong p_flags;
// typedef struct __acl_permset_ext *acl_permset_t;
public unsafe struct __acl_permset_ext
// permset_t      s_perm; // typedef unsigned int permset_t;
public uint s_perm;
// typedef struct acl_permset_obj_tag acl_permset_obj;
public unsafe struct acl_permset_obj_tag
public obj_prefix o_prefix;
public __acl_permset_ext i;
// #define __U32_TYPE     unsigned int
// #define __ID_T_TYPE    __U32_TYPE
// __STD_TYPE __ID_T_TYPE __id_t;     /* General type for IDs.  */
// typedef __id_t id_t;
/* qualifier object */
public unsafe struct __qualifier_ext
//id_t                    q_id;
public uint q_id;
public unsafe struct qualifier_obj_tag
public obj_prefix o_prefix;
public __qualifier_ext i;

public unsafe struct acl_entry_obj_tag
public obj_prefix o_prefix;
public __acl_entry_ext i;

// typedef struct __acl_ext    *acl_t;
public unsafe struct __acl_ext
// typedef struct acl_entry_obj_tag acl_entry_obj;
// acl_entry_obj      *a_prev, *a_next;
// acl_entry_obj      *a_curr;
// acl_entry_obj      *a_prealloc, *a_prealloc_end;
public acl_entry_obj_tag* a_prev;
public acl_entry_obj_tag* a_next;
public acl_entry_obj_tag* a_curr;
public acl_entry_obj_tag* a_prealloc;
public acl_entry_obj_tag* a_prealloc_end;
// size_t a_used; // typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
public ulong a_used;

public unsafe struct acl_obj_tag
public obj_prefix o_prefix;
public __acl_ext i;

public unsafe struct __acl_entry
acl_tag_t e_tag;
// qualifier_obj      e_id; // typedef struct qualifier_obj_tag qualifier_obj;
qualifier_obj_tag e_id;
// acl_permset_obj    e_perm;  //typedef struct acl_permset_obj_tag acl_permset_obj;
acl_permset_obj_tag e_perm;

// typedef struct __acl_entry_ext  *acl_entry_t;
public unsafe struct __acl_entry_ext
// acl_entry_obj      *e_prev, *e_next; // typedef struct acl_entry_obj_tag acl_entry_obj;
public acl_entry_obj_tag* e_prev;
public acl_entry_obj_tag* e_next;
// acl_obj       *e_container; // typedef struct acl_obj_tag acl_obj;
public acl_obj_tag* e_container;
public __acl_entry e_entry;


struct __acl_ext;
struct __acl_entry_ext;
struct __acl_permset_ext;
typedef struct __acl_ext    *acl_t;
typedef struct __acl_entry_ext  *acl_entry_t;
typedef struct __acl_permset_ext *acl_permset_t;


从表面上看,这似乎是一个问题:如果我们不知道它们有多大,或者它们的字段是如何布局的,我们怎么能使用这些结构呢?再往前看,你可以看到我们只与指向这些结构的指针进行交互:ACL 函数会给我们一个指针,然后我们可以将其传递给其他 ACL 函数。我们从不期望自己取消引用指针。ACL 代码当然知道指针指向什么,但这对我们来说是隐藏的。


(这可能是一个有用的策略。例如,它允许 ACL 库更改结构的定义方式,而不会中断使用者。它还阻止我们直接更改这些结构中的字段,这可能会破坏 ACL 库)。

所以。我们根本不应该尝试为这些结构定义 C# 类型:我们根本不应该这样做。不透明指针的 C# 类型是IntPtr,所以让我们使用它:

// extern int acl_get_entry(acl_t acl, int entry_id, acl_entry_t *entry_p);
[DllImport("acl", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "acl_get_entry")]
internal static extern int acl_get_entry(IntPtr acl, AclEntryConstants entry_id, out IntPtr entry_p);
// extern int acl_get_permset(acl_entry_t entry_d, acl_permset_t *permset_p);
[DllImport("acl", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "acl_get_permset")]
internal static extern int acl_get_permset(IntPtr entry_d, out IntPtr permset_p);

我们可以对IntPtr使用refout。阅读文档,看起来 C 代码永远不会读取您传入的双指针的值:它只是将其用作将指针传回的一种方式。因此我们使用out.