传递数组结构、ofstream 和 interger 以运行

passing an array structure, ofstream, and interger to function

本文关键字:interger 运行 ofstream 数组 结构      更新时间:2023-10-16


当我尝试编译我的c ++代码时,我得到两个错误代码:

  1. 对"outputFirstSheet(std::basic_ofstream&, int, Info*("的未定义引用
  2. 错误:1D 返回 1 退出状态


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

struct Info
char hurricaneName[11];
int ID;
int life;
int date;
float avgWindSpeed;
float avgRainFall;
int totalTornadoes;

struct Tropicals
int ID;
void outputFirstSheet(ofstream&, int counter, Info*);
int main()
ifstream storms;

//This will count how many lines have information in them or are being used.
int counter = 0;
while (storms)
counter = counter + 1;
//This is the end of that program
Info names[counter];
//Both pieces of code below will allow me to go back to the beginning of the storms.txt file
storms.seekg(0, ios::beg);

while (storms){
storms.get(names[0].hurricaneName, 11);
for(int a = 0; a < counter - 1 ; a++)
storms >> names[a].ID;
storms >> names[a].life;
storms >> names[a].date;
float wind = 0.0;
float sum = 0;
for (int b = 0; b < 5;b++)
storms >> wind;
sum = wind + sum;
names[a].avgWindSpeed = sum / 5;
float rain = 0, total = 0;
for (int c=0; c < 2; c++)
storms >> rain;
total = rain + total;
names[a].avgRainFall = total / 2;
storms >> names[a].totalTornadoes;
//Making sure that I skip to the next line
storms.ignore(256, 'n');
storms.get(names[a+1].hurricaneName, 11);
ofstream outfile;
outfile << fixed << setprecision(2);

// Printing out all the info in the STORM SUMMARY SHEET
outputFirstSheet(outfile, counter, names);
return 0;
void outputFirstSheet(ofstream &outfile, int counter, Info names)
cout << "The program's results can be located in 'Results.txt'" << endl;
outfile << setw(70) << "STORM SUMMARY SHEET" << endl;
outfile << endl;
outfile << "Name" << setw(10) << "ID" << setw(20) << " Life  " << setw(10) << "Date" << setw(20) << " Average  " << setw(20) << " Average " << setw(20) << "Tornadoes" << setw(20) << "Storm Level" << endl;
outfile << "    " << setw(10) << "  " << setw(20) << "in days" << setw(10) << "Date" << setw(20) << "wind speed" << setw(20) << "rain fall" << setw(20) << " spawned " << setw(20) << "   level   " << endl;
//Start adding the data to the STORM SUMMARY SHEET
outfile << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < counter - 1; i++)
outfile << names.hurricaneName[i];

outfile << endl << endl << "This code was created by Guillermo Molina Matus" << endl << endl;

有错误的行是outputFirstSheet(outfile, counter, names);这个函数应该能够使用 ofstream、接收计数器信息和 Struct Info 名称变量,但由于某种原因,我不断收到错误。


在函数定义中使用Info* 名称

此外,数组是使用指针传递的,因此您实际上不必使用指针获取信息。您可以简单地传递 Info 数组并接收它,就像接收带有值的变量一样。它使用指针。不会创建数组的新副本。

void outputFirstSheet(ofstream &outfile, int counter, Info *names)
cout << "The program's results can be located in 'Results.txt'" << endl;
outfile << setw(70) << "STORM SUMMARY SHEET" << endl;
outfile << endl;
outfile << "Name" << setw(10) << "ID" << setw(20) << " Life  " << setw(10) << "Date" << setw(20) << " Average  " << setw(20) << " Average " << setw(20) << "Tornadoes" << setw(20) << "Storm Level" << endl;
outfile << "    " << setw(10) << "  " << setw(20) << "in days" << setw(10) << "Date" << setw(20) << "wind speed" << setw(20) << "rain fall" << setw(20) << " spawned " << setw(20) << "   level   " << endl;
//Start adding the data to the STORM SUMMARY SHEET
outfile << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < counter - 1; i++)
outfile << names->hurricaneName[i];
outfile << endl << endl << "This code was created by Guillermo Molina Matus" << endl << endl;
