C++ - 使用用户输入的字符串数据检查结构字符串数据(无限执行 while 循环)

C++ - Checking struct string data with user entered string data (infinite do while loop)

本文关键字:字符串 数据 无限 执行 while 循环 结构 检查 用户 输入 C++      更新时间:2023-10-16

正如您从标题中看到的那样,我想将用户输入的字符串与从文件中读取的字符串"比较"。 我使用结构数据类型从文件中读取数据。


Samed Skulj Stomatolog
Adin Vrbic Hirurg
Ahmed Skulj Psihijatar


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
struct dataAboutDoctors
string name;
string surname;
string profession;
int main(int argc, char** argv) 
ifstream readingDoctors;
if (readingDoctors.fail())
cout << "Ne postojeca datoteka";

dataAboutDoctors doctors[100];
int numbersOfDoctors = 0;

while(readingDoctors >> doctors[numbersOfDoctors].name >> doctors[numbersOfDoctors].surname >> doctors[numbersOfDoctors].profession)
cout << "----- Name of doctors and their professions -----" << endl;
cout << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
string temp1,temp2;
for (int i = 0; i < numbersOfDoctors; i++)
cout << "Name of " << i+1 <<". doctor: " << doctors[i].name << endl;
cout << "Surname of " << i+1 <<". doctor: " << doctors[i].surname << endl;
cout << "Profession of " << i+1 <<". doctor: " << doctors[i].profession << endl;
cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << endl;
string name1,surname1;
cout << "Enter the name of doctor you see: ";
cin >> name1;
cout << "Enter the surname of doctor you see: ";
cin >> surname1;
if (name1 != temp1 || surname1 != temp2)
cout << "There is no name nor surname of the doctor you have entered. Enter again: ";
cin >> name1 >> surname1;
}while(name1 != temp1 || surname1 != temp2);

return 0;



----- Name of doctors and their professions -----
Name of 1. doctor: Samed
Surname of 1. doctor: Skulj
Profession of 1. doctor: Stomatolog
Name of 2. doctor: Adin
Surname of 2. doctor: Vrbic
Profession of 2. doctor: Hirurg
Name of 3. doctor: Ahmed
Surname of 3. doctor: Skulj
Profession of 3. doctor: Psihijatar
Enter the name of doctor you see:

Enter the name of doctor you see:这是主要问题。当用户输入正确的名称时,它会再次要求用户输入姓名和姓氏,然后再一次,一次又一次 正如你所看到的,我已经设法进行了无限循环。


在 for 循环中

string temp1,temp2;
for (int i = 0; i < numbersOfDoctors; i++)
// ...



if (name1 != temp1 || surname1 != temp2)
cout << "There is no name nor surname of the doctor you have entered. Enter again: ";
cin >> name1 >> surname1;
}while(name1 != temp1 || surname1 != temp2);


也许您需要将 if 语句和循环中的条件更改为

( temp1.find( name1 ) == std::string::npos || temp2.find( surname1 ) == std::string::npos )

在逻辑上相对于 if 语句中使用的条件,消息应如下所示

"There is no name or surname of the doctor you have entered. Enter again: "


#include <algorithm> // this header is required for using std::find_if
string name1,surname1;
cout << "Enter the name of doctor you see: ";
cin >> name1;
cout << "Enter the surname of doctor you see: ";
cin >> surname1;
bool success = false;
success = std::find_if( doctors, doctors + numbersOfDoctors,
[&]( const auto &d )
return d.name == name1 && d.surname == surname1;
} ) != doctors + numbersOfDoctors;
if ( not success )
cout << "There is no name or surname of the doctor you have entered. Enter again: ";
cin >> name1 >> surname1;
} while( not success );


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
struct dataAboutDoctors
std::string name;
std::string surname;
std::string profession;
int main() 
const size_t N = 100;
dataAboutDoctors doctors[N] =
{ "Samed", "Skulj", "Stomatolog" },
{ "Adin",  "Vrbic", "Hirurg" },
{ "Ahmed", "Skulj", "Psihijatar" }  
size_t numbersOfDoctors = 3;
std::string name1, surname1;
std::cout << "Enter the name of doctor you see: ";
std::cin >> name1;
std::cout << "Enter the surname of doctor you see: ";
std::cin >> surname1;
bool success = false;
success = std::find_if( doctors, doctors + numbersOfDoctors,
[&]( const auto &d )
return d.name == name1 && d.surname == surname1;
} ) != doctors + numbersOfDoctors;
if ( not success )
std::cout << "There is no name or surname of the doctor you have entered. Enter again: ";
std::cin >> name1 >> surname1;
} while( not success ); 
return 0;