
Why inherited struct members are inaccessible in union?

本文关键字:访问 继承 结构 成员 为什么      更新时间:2023-10-16


struct s { int three; };
union alias {
struct { int one; };
struct { int two; };
struct : s {};
int main()
alias a;
a.one = 1;   // OK
a.two = 2;   // OK
a.three = 3; // error: 'union alias' has no member named 'three'
return 0;




在联合中定义的struct会让编译器感到困惑。如果结构 def 后跟名称,通常会创建此类结构类型的新变量,但C++明确不允许匿名结构。如果省略该名称,则可能意味着两件事 - 要么创建匿名结构类型,然后立即删除(符合-Wpedantic警告(,要么,就像GCC似乎发生的那样,它认为它是匿名类型的匿名成员的创建,这是一个非标准扩展:

union alias {
struct { int one; };     // anonymous member of an anonymous type
struct a { int two };    // no member, just def of "struct a"
struct { int three; } b; // named (b) member of type anonymous struct


struct s { int three; };
union alias {
struct A { int one; };
struct B { int two; };
struct C : s { };
A a;
B b;
C c;
int main() {
alias a;
a.a.one = 1;   // OK
a.b.two = 2;   // OK
a.c.three = 3; // OK
