删除指针数组 (C++) 中的元素

deleting elements in array of pointer (C++)

本文关键字:元素 C++ 指针 数组 删除      更新时间:2023-10-16


Person** p = new Person*[5]
// p is filled with five person pointer (say p[2] = *John where John is an object of person
// now we want to remove p[2]
delete p[2];
p[2] = p[3];
p[3] = p[4];
p[4] = nullptr;

除非我删除删除和nullptr行,否则无法编译该程序。 为什么会这样?如果我不删除 p[2],应该有问题,因为我无法再次访问 john?


要使nullptr起作用,您必须使用选项--std=c++11进行编译,因为它是 C++11 中的关键字,就像auto和 lambda 表达式语法一样。

gcc yourfile.cpp --std=c++11


C/C++ 要求使用分号分隔语句。


Person** p = new Person*[5]; // A semi-colon was forgotten here.
// p is filled with five person pointer (say p[2] = *John where John is an object of person
// now we want to remove p[2]
delete p[2];
p[2] = p[3];
p[3] = p[4];
p[4] = nullptr;


p[4] = NULL;