
Template Meta Programming: How to combine parameter packs to new parameter pack

本文关键字:参数 组合 包组合 编程      更新时间:2023-10-16


  1. 是否可以将元组所属的类型"打包"回参数包?(元组->typename…contained_types(
  2. 是否可以组合一个参数。具有类型名称的包(例如,使用"Pack1…,Pack2…"为结构指定单个参数包
#include <cstdint>
#include <tuple>
template <typename... tpl> struct Helper {
template <std::size_t rem, typename curr, typename... rest> struct take {
using type = Helper<(tpl..., curr)>::take<rem-1, rest...>::type; // here, I'm trying (2.)
template <typename curr, typename... rest> struct take<0, curr, rest...> {
using type = std::tuple<tpl...>;
template <std::size_t s, typename... tpl> using take_t = Helper<>::take<s, tpl...>;
int main() {
take_t<2, int, int, int> k = std::make_tuple(1, 2);


/home/juli/test.cc:6:18: error: need ‘typename’ before ‘Helper<tpl ..., curr>::take’ because ‘Helper<tpl ..., curr>’ is a dependent scope
6 |     using type = Helper<tpl..., curr>::take<rem-1, rest...>::type;


/home/juli/test.cc:6:53: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘<’ token
6 |     using type = typename Helper<tpl..., curr>::take<rem-1, rest...>::type;


问题2的答案(是的,正如@user253751所建议的,我最初的方法(Helper<tpl..., curr>(是正确的,但我犯了一个不同的错误,在使用的类型后面省略了"template",导致了该行中的上述错误。下面的代码显示了修复并运行良好:

#include <cstdint>
#include <tuple>
template <typename... tpl> struct Helper {
template <std::size_t rem, typename curr, typename... rest> struct take {
using tp = Helper<tpl..., curr>;
using type = tp::template take<rem-1, rest...>::type;
template <typename curr, typename... rest> struct take<0, curr, rest...> {
using type = std::tuple<tpl...>;
template <std::size_t s, typename... tpl> using take_t = Helper<>::take<s, tpl...>;
int main() {
take_t<2, int, int, int>::type k = std::make_tuple(1, 2);


template <class tuple> struct foo;
template <class ... args> struct foo<std::tuple<args...> {
// implementation here!



template <size_t s, typename is, typename ...args> struct thlp;
template <size_t s, size_t... i, class... args> struct thlp<s, std::index_sequence<i...>, args...> {
static_assert(s <= sizeof...(args), "Requested new tuple size exceeds old one.");
using type = std::tuple<std::tuple_element_t<i, std::tuple<args...>>...>;
template <size_t s, typename... args>
using conditional_tuple_t = thlp<s, decltype(std::make_index_sequence<s>()), args...>::type;