重载& lt; & lt;为什么我得到以下错误

Overloading << with templates: Why am I getting the following error?

本文关键字:lt 错误 为什么 重载      更新时间:2023-10-16
 template <typename T> class Queue
template<typename T> ostream& operator<< (ostream& print, const Queue <T>& x)
        print<<"nThe elements are as : n";
            int fr=q.f,rr=q.r;
                print<<q.q[fr++]<<" <- ";
  //other stuffs
  In main():
  Queue<int> q(n); //object creation
  cout<<q; //calling the overloaded << function


C:UsersuserDesktopPROGRAMSqueue_using_classes.cpp|16|error: declaration of 'class T'|
C:UsersuserDesktopPROGRAMSqueue_using_classes.cpp|3|error:  shadows template parm 'class T'|
C:UsersuserDesktopPROGRAMSqueue_using_classes.cpp|16|error: 'std::ostream& Queue<T>::operator<<(std::ostream&, const Queue<T>&)' must take exactly one argument


Queue<int> q(n);
cout << q;


ostream& operator<<(ostream& print, const Queue <T>& x)



// Forward declaration of the class template
template <typename T> class Queue;
// Declaration of the function template.
template<typename T> std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& print, const Queue <T>& x);
// The class template definition.
template <typename T> class Queue
   // The friend declaration.
   // This declaration makes sure that operator<<<int> is a friend of Queue<int>
   // but not a friend of Queue<double>
   friend std::ostream& operator<<<T> (std::ostream& print, const Queue& x);
// Implement the function.
template<typename T> 
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& print, const Queue <T>& x)
   print << "Came here.n";
   return print;
int main()
   Queue<int> a;
   std::cout << a << std::endl;